How I use the description tag on my seo guide page

In other words, it does not mean that what you write in the description will show in the snippet. The guidelines for writing a good description are:

seo tips

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  • Always provide a unique description for all pages, post, products of your website.
  • Keep the size between 140-150 characters.
  • Avoid repeating the title in the description
  • Don’t add too many keywords
  • Try to use the description as a way to ‘advertise’ your page to the reader so that they click on your title and visit the page.

 Permanent link structure

The permanent link structure is a term used to describe the format of URLS for pages (categories/tags) or individual posts of a web site.

It is shown in the browser address bar and in the search results (below the page title).

SEO Guidelines for URLS

  • Make Urls simple and easy to understand for search engines and users
  • Use hyphens ‘ – ‘ to separate the words that make up a url
  • Avoid lengthy Urls with unnecessary information
  • Use words that describe what the page is about but avoid keyword stuffing

Examples of BAD url structures

Examples of GOOD url structures


Make sure that you have a breadcrumb on all your internal pages. A breadcrumb is a set of links at the top of the page that aid navigation.  If you are using WordPress there are many free plugins to create a breadcrumb.

Internal links

When we talk about internal links we mean links in a page that point to other pages within the website i.e. not external links.

In the example below, when you click on the link with anchor “increase the intensity” you will be redirected to a page with-in the website to find out more information on how to increase the intensity of an exercise.

Internal linking is a very important factor for website SEO but still many web site owners are not using it correctly. The rules to follow for internal links are simple:

  • Link related articles together either by using keyword anchor text or by using the full article title.
  • Make sure that the links are useful both for the user and easy to understand by search engines.
  • Don’t make links for search engines only. An internal link should help the user navigate the site better.
  • Do not use terms like ‘click here’ or ‘[..]’ for internal linking.
  • Don’t overdo it. A few internal links per page are enough (create more if really necessary)

Pro Hint: Don’t always link old posts from new posts but every couple of weeks go back and link newer posts from older posts.

It’s not an easy task to do especially if you have a lot of posts but it’s a very valuable tool for on-site SEO.

Text formatting and the use of H1, H2 and H3

Don’t just publish text on your website without first doing some basic formatting. This is not good for the user experience and works against your SEO efforts.

General guidelines for formatting a post or page on your website:

  • Use H1 tags for the title of your post
  • Use H2 tags for the main headings of your post.
  • Use BOLD and Italics to draw users attention
  • Don’t use H2 tags for all your headings
  • Write small paragraphs
  • Use a font size that is easy to read

When formatting your posts always have in mind the user experience. Can the user identify the main sections of your post (H2 tags) just by looking at the page? Is the text easy to read on all devices (smartphones, Apple Ipads, Android tablets etc)?